Test Code LAB7307 Respiratory Pathogen Multiplex PCR
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with melt curve analysis
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is included in the Respiratory Pathogen Multiplex Panel.
This test is capable of detecting the following respiratory pathogens:
Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Adenovirus, Coronavirus HKU1, Coronavirus NL63, Coronavirus 229E, Coronavirus OC43, Influenza A, Influenza A subtype H1, Influenza A subtype H3, Influenza A subtype 2009 H1, Influenza B, Metapneumovirus, Parainfluenza 1, Parainfluenza 2, Parainfluenza 3, Parainfluenza 4, RSV, Rhinovirus/Enterovirus, and SARS-CoV-2
Performing Laboratory
Barnes-Jewish Hospital Molecular Infectious Disease Laboratory
Specimen Requirements
Acceptable Specimens
Nasopharyngeal (NP): 1 swab in Viral Transport Medium (VTM)
Respiratory (bronchial alveolar lavage, bronchial washing, sputum, tracheal aspirate): ≥1 mL in a leakproof screw-capped, sterile container
Collection Procedure
1. Call Barnes-Jewish Hospital Laboratory Customer Service at 314-362-1470 to obtain Viral Transport Medium Collection Kit.
2. Collect specimen using plastic shaft swab(s) provided.
3. Place swab(s) in vial, break or cut off shaft of swab(s), discard shaft, and tightly cap vial.
4. Maintain sterility and transport promptly to the laboratory.
5. If transport is delayed, refrigerate specimen.
Note: Specimen source is required.
Respiratory (Bronchial Alveolar Lavage, Bronchial Washing, Sputum, Tracheal Aspirate)
1. Aseptically collect ≥1 mL of specimen.
2. Place in a leakproof screw-capped, sterile container.
3. Maintain sterility and transport promptly to the laboratory.
4. If transport is delayed, refrigerate specimen.
Note: Specimen source is required.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Nasopharyngeal Swab, Respiratory-Ambient/Refrigerate OK
Respiratory (bronchial alveolar lavage, bronchial washing, sputum, tracheal aspirate) -Ambient/Refrigerate OK
Reference Values
Respiratory Pathogen Nucleic Acids Not Detected (Negative)
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Sunday
Turnaround Time (STAT, Routine)
STAT: not available
Routine: 3-8 hours
Test Classification and CPT Coding
CPT Code:
Additional Information
For BJH Laboratory Use Only
Minimum Volume:
Nasopharyngeal (NP): 1 swab in Viral Transport Medium (VTM).
Respiratory (bronchial alveolar lavage, bronchial washing, sputum, tracheal aspirate): 1 mL in a leakproof screw-capped, sterile container.
Laboratory Processing Instructions
BJH Microbiology will forward to the performing laboratory.